
With a good and a bad cut diamond.
An older version, but you get the idea.
Old, a point and click camera, but easier with a smart phone.
There are other videos there – notably pink diamonds for sale

How to use the Ideal-Scope to grade diamond cut quality

Explaining 4Cs in 1 minute and showing why Cut is King

Yellow diamonds have different rules. They can cost more or less than colourless diamonds. In 6 minutes you can learn a lot and I hope it helps you choose wisely.

Using HCA – it’s been upgraded in recent years but same results. Working on creating a brand new video.

This is an 8 minute summary of most of the videos below – introduction to fluorescence in diamonds, carat weight vs size vs clarity vs cut quality.

Find out why Fluorescence in diamonds can be a benefit. Since making this video I have studied more, bought some tools, and I can see the day when good non hazy fluorescent diamonds will once again cost more, not less, than non-fluorescent diamonds.

Most people in the jewellery biz know most about clarity because they can see stuff in diamonds with a loupe. But what they do not know is that GIA uses 2 different grading systems. And sadly, size does count, and not in a good way. This is a video of less than 5 minutes and if you are interested in buying a bigger than 1ct diamond you may benefit from spending the time.

Two minutes to learn about colour, and again, why size counts in a negative way.

40 years of diamond cut stuff quality in 3 minutes.

80% of diamonds are smaller than their carat weight indicates. Find out why in 3 minutes.

I blew the whistle on this cheating method where diamond cutters found a way to trick GIA’s cut grading system. Rapaport Magazine published an article when I alerted them.

Single & full cut 0.01ct diamond comparison in various lighting. Some prefer full and some prefer single cut. This test changed me from single cuts to full cuts.

How to show someone inclusions in a diamond using a 10X loupe.

Ever wondered why videos do not show as much sparkle as seeing a diamond with your own two eyes? 17 seconds will do it.

A client’s diamond being recut and polished to improve its light performance. You can hardly hear me because the polishing makes a lot of noise.

Planning, mapping and plotting to cut a large diamond – 2 videos

Planning a 3/4ct D Flawless round diamond from a 2.03ct rough at the hi-tech LTM factory. The operator is plotting the inclusions in the rough diamond that has had several facets polished on it to enable 3D plotting under a 120X Leica microscope that uses a patent that I co-wrote as the intellectual property. The next video follows on in the process. US 9,292,966

A one minute video showing the next part of the process in the previous video. This is a 43 carat section of an original 200ct rough diamond. The planning guys have mapped over 1,000 inclusions using patent US 9,292,966 to locate inclusions and plan the highest value diamonds by avoiding the inclusions. The operators are all engineers and physicists. The planning of this rough took a team one and a half days using half a million dollars worth of hi-tech equipment. This is probably the most advanced diamond cutting factory in the world and it is in Surat, India.